Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated in schools in our parish and across Ireland from Sunday 23rd January – Sunday 30th January. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2022 is ‘Catholic Schools: Living Life to the Full’.
During Catholic Schools Week children, young adults, teachers, classes, schools, families and parishes are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society. Each day of the week has a special focus: on living with God (Monday); living together as family, community and Church (Tuesday); celebrating Grandparent’s (Wednesday); wondering and celebrating Creation (Thursday); and living as a people of Hope facing the future (Friday).
As we look forward to celebrating CSW2022, we encourage you to dip into the full suite of resources for use in schools, your home and in the parish. Visit: https://www.catholicschools.ie/catholicschoolsweek2022/ for resources from posters, resources, workbooks, powerpoints and prayer.
Lord, We pray for the success of Catholic Schools Week 2022. Help us to make our school communities in Shannon special places of nurturing and care. Bless our students and our teachers. Give us wisdom and strength to help all students reach their full potential and respond to Your call. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Share what’s happening in your school on social media using the hashtag #CSW2022