With confirmation from the Office of the Taoiseach and the diocese that Confirmations and First Communion Ceremonies may be celebrated from July 5th onwards (and keeping with Covid safety protocols), the following are the dates for Confirmations as agreed with our School Principals and Teachers.
Wednesday July 7 @ 11am for St Aidan’s.
Thursday July 8 @ 2pm for St Tola’s.
Friday July 9 @ 11am for St Senan’s & St John’s with St John’s 1st Communion to follow.
Saturday July 10 @ 11am for Gaelscoil Donncha Rua jointly with 1st Communion due to smaller class sizes.
Monday and Tuesday July 19 and 20 @ 11am and 1pm on both days for St Conaire’s.
First Communion Ceremonies will take place when schools return in September.
Additional information regarding safety protocols will follow.
Do continue to stay safe.
Fr Arnie