On Sunday January 26th 2020 the Church throughout the world will celebrate Sunday of the Word of God. It is a day when believers and others are invited to reflect on the Scriptures, in other words the Bible. The Bible is divided into 2 historical moments of salvation history, the Old Testament which traces the journey of the chosen people with Yahweh through the Law and the Prophets, and the New Testament which traces the life of Jesus from his Birth, to the stories and the miracles, the teaching and the preaching of the Good News leading to his Death and Resurrection. It also records the pastoral reality of the Early Church and a number of Letters written to Christian communities to give them hope in the Risen Lord.
The Sunday of the Word of God is a wonderful opportunity to dip into the Bible, whether you have a copy in your home, or go online. It’s a lovely opportunity to hear what God has to say to us and how we can apply that message in our lives and community in 2020. The Bible is the most popular book that has ever been published. It was been passed down to us for the past 2000 years and it continues to inspire and give hope that God walks with our story no matter what it is.
Let’s use the opportunity to either continue journeying with God’s Word or reconnect if it has been some time. You may never know the hidden treasure it has in store for you.