You Joined Us Online To Reflect…
Thank you to the many many people who joined us online on Thursday January 20th at 8pm from SS John & Paul Church, Shannon, to remember Ashling Murphy. As we gathered together in an online community, candles were lit in our own community, across Ireland and many countries who joined us live online, so that collectively we shone a light of hope in this time of darkness and grief. We also invited you to wear a white ribbon, a symbol of the world’s largest movement to end gender based violence, or simply to wear something white, the universal symbol of peace. Thank you for being with us! Thank you for caring!
Online Book of Condolence has been opened by Clare Co. Council on
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.
If you were affected by any of the issues relating to Ashling’s death, you will find below a list of resources/organisations to support you. Please reach out for help if you feel the need to do so!
Adapt Domestic Abuse Services, Limerick: Support services addressing the needs of women survivors of domestic abuse and their children. 061 412354 http://www.adaptservices.ie
Aware, Limerick: Depression, support and education services. Freephone 1800804848 http://www.aware.ie
Clare Haven Services: Munster House, Business Park, Gort Road, Dulick, Ennis. Voluntary organisation committed to promoting rights of women and children to live and grow in a peaceful non-violent home environment. 24 hr confidential helpline 065 6822435. http://www.clarehaven.ie
MOVE (Men Overcoming Violence): Limerick/Clare/Nth Tipperary/Kerry & Unit 2, Clare Road, Clonroad More, Ennis. Addressing domestic violence against women and provides a weekly group process to help men take responsibility for their violence, changing attitude and behaviour and developing respectful, non-abusive relationships. 065 6848689 / 086 4149613. http://www.moveireland.ie
NCI (National Women’s Council of Ireland): Fighting for a better Ireland for women and girls, where every woman enjoys true equality and no woman is left behind. 01 6790100 http://www.nwci.ie
Pieta House: Ardaulin, Mungret, Limerick. A free professional one to one therapeutic service for people who are in suicidal distress, those who engage in self harm and those bereaved by suicide. 061 484444 http://www. pieta.ie
Samaritans: “Sunville”, Kilrush Road, Ennis and 20 Barringtons Street, Limerick. A 24 hour listening service for anyone struggling to cope in times of crisis. Freephone 116 123 http://www.samaritans.org
Help is there! Please… just ask!