Sacraments and Funerals

Published on July 23, 2009


Celebrating the sacraments is at the core of our parish life.  Our big moments in life are marked in a solemn way from womb to tomb.

Here we provide all the details for the celebration of the sacraments in our parish.

Funeral Arrangements

<p>Tony McMahon & Philip Ryan, McMahons Funeral Home</p>
Tony McMahon & Philip Ryan, McMahons Funeral Home

When a death occurs, a funeral undertaker and one of the Priests should be contacted and they, together with family members, can help make the necessary funeral arrangements.

Sometimes, people are waked in their own home or their remains are brought to the Funeral Home. The Priest will help family members arrange Readings, Prayers and music for the funeral. Margaret Conway is the Caretaker for both Cemeteries and can be contacted on 087 9884531 to purchase a grave.


McMahon’s, Shannon 061 349 807 / 087 290 8785
Cusack’s, Ennis 087 456 4545
Daly’s, Ennis 065 682 2942 / 682 8653
Kennedy’s, Ennis 087 256 2771
Cross’s, Limerick 061 410 744
Griffin’s, Limerick 061 415 000
Thompson’s, Limerick 061 414 967

Baptism Arrangements

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in the Parish on request. Please inform the Parish Office, one of the Priests or Sr. Jo, Parish Sister, of your request.

A time and Church are arranged and agreed.  Sr. Jo will then visit the home of the family preparing for Baptism and explain the Sacrament and help in completing the Baptismal Request Form.

Baptisms usually take place at the weekend, but can be arranged for anytime by prior arrangement.  Baptismal candle and robe are required.  Godparents must be at least 16 years of age, confirmed and practicing as a Catholic, so that they can help and support their Godchild with good example.

For adult Baptism, there is a specific programme of preparation available.  Please ask any of the priests of the parish for more details.

Marriage Arrangements

Those intending to marry in Shannon Parish are asked to give good notice (minimum 3 months) to the Parish Priest or one of the Priests in the Parish. Baptism /Confirmation Certificates & Letter of Freedom are required.

Civil Notification to be obtained 3 months prior to marriage from Registrar of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Sandfield Centre, Ennis. Tel: 065 6868050.  For further information contact Parish Office.

The Sacrament of Marriage may be celebrated in the Diocese of Killaloe on all days of the year with the exception of Sundays, Christmas Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter Tridiuum.

A booklet entitled “Guidelines for Weddings in Shannon Parish” is available on request.  This helpful booklet tells you all you need to know in the preparation for your marriage.

Pre-Marriage Courses: Contact Accord, Clarecare, Harmony Row, Ennis. Callsave 185058500 for application form and brochure of Schedule of Course dates or alternatively you can contact Esker Retreat House, Athenry, Co, Galway. Telephone 091-844549. Booking is advisable at least six months in advance.


The sacrament of Confirmation is generally available to pupils in 6th Class in our Primary Schools.  The date is set each year by the Diocesan Office, but usually takes place around the end of April or early May.  The programme of preparation follows the Alive O 8 Series and starts in September.  Registration night takes place in November in each school.

Confirmation Enrolment Ceremonies take place during Sunday Mass at the beginning of Advent.  Candidates take part in Special Lenten Sunday Masses, while attending the four week FAITH FRIENDS programme during Lent.  The Ceremony of Light takes place in both Churches on the Tuesday evening prior to Confirmation.  The Confirmation Ceremony alternates between both SS John & Paul and Mary Immaculate Churches, with morning and afternoon sessions.  The programme is completed after Confirmation with a special Confirmation Retreat.

Dates for Confirmation 2019

Wednesday 29th May at 3pm

St. Conaire’s School in SS John & Paul Church

Thursday 30th May at 11am

St. Aidan’s School in SS John & Paul Church

Thursday 30th May at 3pm

St. Senan’s, St Tola’s, and Gaelscoil Donncha Rua in Mary Immaculate Church

Please Note

The Pastoral Council has decided that from 2013, the school uniform will be the dress code for Confirmation in Shannon Parish.

If there is any young person in Secondary School who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please make contact with the School Chaplain of St. Caimin’s – Cora Guinnane and St. Patrick’s Comprehensive School – Nuala Murray.

Eucharist and First Communion

First Communion is available to children in 2nd Class in our Primary Schools and takes place in April/May.  Preparation begins the previous September.  DO THIS IN MEMORY  is the programme of preparation that is used in Shannon Parish.

Dates for First Holy Communion 2019

Saturday 11th May at 11am

St. Tolas’s School  in Mary Immaculate Church

St. Conaire’s School in SS John & Paul Church

Saturday 11th May at 1.30pm

Gaelscoil Donncha Rua in SS John & Paul Church

Saturday 18th May at 11am

St. Aidan’s School in  SS John & Paul Church

Saturday 18th May at 12 noon

St. Senan’s School in Mary Immaculate Church

Reconciliation (Confession)

This Sacrament is available after all Masses on Saturday or at any time by request.  Special Penitential Services are organised in preparation for Christmas and Easter.

Dates for First Confession 2019

Housebound and Sacrament of the Sick

Available at any time by request.

Holy Orders – Ministry of the Priest

Vocations contact for the Killaloe Diocese:

Fr. Ignatius McCormack

St. Flannan’s College
Co. Clare

087 277 7139
065 682 8019