*******Thank You*******
This past week we got a great response to our appeal for volunteers for sanitising, stewarding, readers, and Eucharistic ministers for our Church’s in preparation for resumption of Masses. If you would like to be part of a team your welcome to email office@shannonparish.ie
We also got to plan with our schools for Confirmation which will be celebrated on July 29-31. We look forward to this important celebration in our parish.
We are also very much looking forward to getting back to public Masses, and the Mass schedule will be published later this week. We intend to be creative and imaginative bearing in mind the guidelines of attendance of 50 indoor and 200 outdoor from June 29 to July 20. Hopefully the schedule will give you that sense of ease and reassurance as you return to Mass.
Parishioners who use the tax rebate envelope to donate to the parish can forward the Priests Summer Collection to the Church and Parish Office. The Summer collection was to take place this weekend but we have transferred the collection to the weekend of July 17-19th. The regular Priests’ envelopes which is normally delivered to your home will arrive with the Shannon Diary in early July. The donate button on the website is also an easy way to support. We thank you for not forgetting the parish during the lockdown.
Do continue to connect with us on our social media and webcam, for daily Mass and different prayer moments. We look forward to welcoming you back to Mass very soon.
Please stay safe and well.