***Thank You***
For your great support to our Christmas Masses. We were delighted to be able to schedule 17 Masses from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day and to everyone who made it possible for us to do so.
We thank you for your great support to the Priests’ Christmas Collection. Our Church’s are open if you wish to bring your donation or drop to Parish Office. The online donate facility on the parish website is also an option.
With the decision to move to Phase 5 from Dec 26th – Jan 12 we have to return to online Masses. However we have put the following schedule in place;
Mon – Fri at 10am and 7pm from SS John and Paul Church
Sunday Masses on Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 10am from SS John and Paul Church, and 11am from Mary Immaculate Church live on Facebook. In addition we will continue to post video reflections to accompany you with prayer moments.
We encourage you to visit your Church which are open, and pray at the Christmas crib asking the Infant King to bless us for the year ahead.
May God bless you and yours! 🙏