Thank You!
Just a short notice to say ‘Thank You’ as we approach the June Bank Holiday Weekend and the close of the Easter Season with Pentecost Sunday, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to us all at Confirmation.
Thank you for continuing to connect with us on the webcam, parish radio, facebook.com/Shannon.Parish.Killaloe/ and youtube.com/c/ShannonParish67 for all the ceremonies. We are endeavouring to reach out to as many as possible, and we are delighted so many near and far tune in.
Our Church’s have re-opened for nearly 2 weeks, and it’s a joy to see so many (young and the wise) are calling in for a quiet few moments and prayer. Thank you for keeping within the restricted area and using the hand sanitiser at the door. Thank you to the great team of cleaners who are cleaning the Church’s and shrines on a daily basis to ensure your safety. Without their help we wouldn’t be able to have the Church open. Please God very soon we will be returning to public Masses and celebrations in a safe manner.
Thank you for supporting your parish financially. The feedback we are getting is some parishioners and friends are using the ‘donate’ button on www.shannonparish.ie which is a very easy way to donate, some are dropping their donation in the box on the front of the altar and some are dropping their accumulated envelopes to the parish office and presbytery. We know it’s a difficult time for everyone, and we are grateful for your continued financial commitment.
If you would like to have a loved one included at Mass your welcome to phone 061-363243 and we will include them in the Masses at a day and time that is convenient to you.
Thank you to all those who are part of the emergency and essential services teams who are doing so much to help others at this time. Please God we will return to a new normal, when all this passes, and it will, we will know what is really important in life. If you know someone who would need a bit of support your welcome to call 089-4692242.
Lastly we wish you a safe, lovely, and blessed Pentecost weekend. Do tune into our ceremonies, and we thank God for the weather we are enjoying. Our parish Masses for this weekend are listed and may God bless you and yours.
Parish Masses from Saturday to Tuesday inclusive are as follows;
Saturday at 6.30pm (webcam and parish radio)
Sunday at 10am ( webcam, parish radio, and facebook.com/Shannon.Parish.Killaloe/
Sunday at 11am from Mary Immaculate Church live on facebook.com/Shannon.Parish.Killaloe/
(Note the 11am Mass will not be broadcast on the webcam or parish radio)
Monday at 10am (webcam, and parish radio).
(Note no 7pm Mass on Bank Holiday Monday)
Tuesday at 10am and 7pm (webcam, and parish radio)