Work on repairing the roof of the Adoration Chapel commenced on Monday April 15th and Please God will be complete by Friday April 26th. As a result of the repairs and in keeping with Health & Safety Regulations, the following are the Easter arrangements for the Adoration Chapel:
The Adoration Chapel will close on Friday April 12th at 9pm and re-open on Monday April 29th.
The 10am Mass and Eucharistic Adoration will conclude for Lent on Friday April 12th at 9pm and will resume on Monday April 29th with 10am Mass.
Both Parish Churches are open through the day if people would like to spend time in prayer for their hour.
Parish Masses for Holy Week as follows:
Monday & Tuesday: 9.15am in Mary Immaculate Church and 7pm in SS John & Paul Church.
Spy Wednesday: 10am in Mary Immaculate Church with Rosary to follow. No evening Mass in Shannon due to Chrism Mass in Ennis.
I thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Fr. Arnie.