Greetings everyone and we hope your keeping safe while enjoying the lovely weather. Good wishes in particular to our over 70s who are beginning to get out and about and we are delighted you’re able to do so.
We are glad that our Church’s will be open for private prayer, a visit, or light a candle on May 18th and we want to reassure you that all will be in place and we encourage you to visit your local Church. This past week has seen your very kind donations put to good use and we thank you for your generosity.
Your welcome to continue to drop your Sunday donation and Easter collection donation to the office or presbytery beside the office.
In addition we are happy to let you know you can now donate online just beside the webcam button on the website www.shannonparish.ie which became active today. We encourage you to use this facility to support your parish especially at this time when we have no public gatherings and no Church collections – the donate button is very easy to use.
We have also installed a new state of the art digital webcam and improved the sound system on the cam. This will resolve any tweaks on our side and we thank you for your donations which enabled us to upgrade. Your welcome to use the donate button facility on the website if you would like to donate for the new webcam.
We enclose some pictures of the webcam pre-set features, but the best way to enjoy it is to go online when ceremonies are broadcast.
God bless you and continued health and safety to you and yours.