***Thank You***
For your continued support to us and for your co-operation with the resumption of public Masses. We have a great menu of Masses for Christmas with safety protocols in place. The Masses are listed on the website, Facebook and Church notice boards. We encourage those attending Mass to choose an early Mass as we will be restricting numbers entering the Church. We ask families with school children to attend an early Mass for Christmas.
We thank you for your financial support also. The Priests’ Christmas Collection will be taken up at all Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. You can donate online especially if you decide to remain at home for the Christmas ceremonies, on our website button www.shannonparish.ie or you can log into the diocesan website and donate to Shannon Parish at www.killaloediocese.ie
We recognise it’s a challenging year for everyone, but we know many like to support the parish at this time of year.
We encourage you to continue to play your part in keeping each other safe with the safety protocols.
We wish you a lovely weekend in preparation for Christmas. God bless you and your family.